Why I quilt?
When I was young, I would visit my grandmother at her quilt shop. It was fascinating. Watching her spin her designs and being surrounded by vibrant fabrics and a rainbow of string felt magical.
Fast forward a bunch of years (I won’t say how many) – and my fascination with T-shirt quilts was born.
It was a Saturday, and my oldest daughter, Morgan, had just graduated high school. It was a bittersweet time for us both. Morgan attended one school from preschool all the way through graduation. To say her teachers, friends, and coaches were a second family is an understatement.
On that day, Morgan brought me a box she had found in her closet. In it was all of her school T-shirts from every event she ever attended, every team she played on, and every event she participated in (and Morgan was one busy girl!).
“Look, mom!” She said, “I want you to make me a quilt to take to college!”
Making that quilt filled me with so much pride. I doted upon each square, and each one helped me remember my daughter at different ages as I watched her participate and play with friends. This quilt was a way for her to feel close to home, even as she was heading off into the world.
Morgan has since graduated college, but you’ll still find me staying up late sewing. Each quilt I make is handled with the same care I gave to Morgan’s first t-shirt quilt. I like taking care of people’s memories – preserving them and creating a keepsake that is as functional as it is beautiful.